Category: Z Legacy: News Feed


This is the scariest thing about using Skype

Government surveillance of civilian communications has been going on since they could intercept couriers delivering messages on foot. However, in today’s digital age it’s even easier for governments to obtain your conversation as service providers are becoming more compliant to these high power entities. The Washington Post reports Skype’s new policy to hand over any of

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Invasive TSA checkpoints are coming to train and bus stations

Anyone who’s traveled on an airplane post-9/11 knows the extent to which the TSA are willing to invade your privacy. Celebrities and average civilians alike have fallen victim to the TSA intrusive search procedures. In addition to their security at airports however, TSA are increasingly being stationed at trains and bus stations where

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Hunan capital calls for huge stimulus package

The global financial crisis has caused declines in growth across almost every continent. After decades of steady gains, Chinese officials are now anxiously seeking short-term solutions to a temporary financial lull. In a knee-jerk reaction, government officials in Changsha are calling for an enormous amount of government stimulus to be pumped in the

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Congress finally decides to audit the Fed

Ben Bernanke and the Federal Reserve have been a prime example of why big central banks are ineffective and can destroy a nations currency. The Federal Reserve has pumped trillions of dollars into the economy in order to ‘spur’ growth by bailing out corrupt bankers and so far their initiatives have been failures. Congress yesterday

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The next Asian Tiger to revise their growth forecasts

Around the world, countries that were once expected to experience an explosion of growth are now hitting a plateau as global manufacturing demand declines. Both the BRIC’s and the Four Asian Tigers are all revising their growth forecasts as sovereign debt crises continue in Europe and soon in the US. CNN reports on the

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Government is spying on ‘virtually every U.S. citizen’

When Bush first enacted the patriot act I was up in arms over the blatant constitutional violation that it posed, however, many people that I knew didn’t seem phased by it. They insisted that the government wouldn’t abuse this power and they didn’t feel their privacy was at risk because they’re not ‘terrorists’.

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China’s strengthening currency forecasts a gowing consumer economy

Many US politicians continue to spout off rhetoric that America can’t compete with China in exports because the Chinese are artifically devaluing their currency. This assertion however is quickly becoming an invalid one as the renminbi continues to appreciate in value. Business Insider reports on this surprising trend and what the IMF believes will occur as a

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‘Britain in its longest double-dip recession in more than 50 years’

Around the world, economies have been consistently struggling to produce any type of real growth in recovery of the 2008 collapse. European nations like Greece and Italy have been hit especially hard and now the United Kingdom joins them in their efforts to rebuke their current austerity measures in favor of an ineffective stimulus and

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Japan’s trade deficit could mean a rebound for nuclear energy

The massive tsunami that rocked the Japanese people in March of 2010 is still fresh in many minds, especially the nuclear disaster that followed as a result. This scare has has hurt the global demand for nuclear power as well as uranium and other peripheral industries. This lack of nuclear power in Japan however has

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$11.37 billion in taxes go to keeping Americans ignorant

When people think of American spies and classified documents, they flashback to the Cold War and the information warfare between the US and the USSR. The government had many secrets back then however, the current administration is now spending more tax dollars than every to secure classified information as well as increasing the amount of

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Intelligence officials finally admit to unconstitutional wiretapping

When the Patriot Act was first enacted under the Bush administration, there was serious outrage over the lengths to which citizens constitutional rights were violated. This same violation of privacy and desecration of the fourth amendment continues under the Obama administration to a vast extent. The Electronic Freedom Foundation reports on a recent confession by intelligence officials

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Spain’s spiral out of economic control

Anyone who’s turned on the news in 2012 is pretty well aware that there is a severe sovereign debt crisis occurring in Europe on an unprecedented level. Greece barely avoided a complete catastrophe but more nations in the Eurozone periphery continue to be unable to maintain a balanced budget. Business Insider reports on Spain’s

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The US racked up $6,866,712,084,997.92 in debt since 2007

Nobel Prize winning economists like Paul Krugman and fellow Keynesian devotees like Ben Bernanke profess that the only way out this current financial crisis is to SPEND MORE. However, looking at the massive increases in government spending since the 2007 collapse shows these economic initiatives are woefully ineffective. CNS News reports how over the past 5 years,

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Argentinian town uses lottery to determine who gets their paychecks

When governments spend more money than they can afford and plan a budget based on unsustainable growth, collapse is inevitable. This is what we are currently witnessing in Argentina where officials can no longer pay all of the government employees’ salaries. Yahoo! News reports on the current debacle in a small Argentinian town where only the lucky will

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Tax Policy Center: US tax policy prevents upward mobility

Many politicians and citizens alike believe that massive social welfare programs combined with vast government subsidies provide a catalyst for both growth and upward social mobility. Unfortunately these policies actually have the exact opposite affect that their proponents advertise. Surprisingly, even people in the Tax Policy Center are fully aware of this yet

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