Category: Z Legacy: News Feed


The European culture capital that you’ve never heard of

When you think of European cultural capitals, the places that typically come to mind are: Paris, Vienna, Amsterdam, Berlin or several others. However, a little known city in Ukraine called Lviv, is also a hotbed of cultural diversity and economic trade. CNN reports on why Lviv is one of the most underrated cities in Europe and

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China is doing everything possible to prevent THIS

After the housing bubble popped in 2007, many people realized the dangers of easy credit combined with speculation. However, while US politicians are currently doing everything they can to artificially inflate the housing market, Chinese officials are implementing every possible measure to deflate their growing real estate bubble. The Asia Times reports on the why China fears

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70% chance your credit score will go up for doing nothing

Anyone who has ever taken out a loan for a car or a house understands the importance of having a high credit score. Peoples’ entire lively hoods hang in the balance of having a good number, but recent economic hardships have caused many people to default on loans and wreck their credit scores.

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2012’s best state for doing business

California along with several other states are currently experiencing severe economic recessions because of the massive debts they’re accumulated. To combat the deficit, California has been has been drastically raising taxes and business fees to increase revenues. This strategy however is hurting California as many companies are leaving the state for greener pastures. The

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This country is the next economic tiger in Asia

Over the past three decades, the Asian markets for the most part have grown relatively rapidly. Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan have recently been referred to as the Four Asian Tigers, however the recent growth of the Philippines has caused investors to wonder when there will be five tigers instead of four. The Asian Times

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What the new Myanmar VP means for economic investment

Myanmar has a bloody past of military and dictatorial oppression, however the new President has been pushing for economic and political reforms that have caused much investor speculation. Despite all the new money flowing to their economy, Myanmar’s recent emplacement of former military general Swe as Vice President shows that progress is going

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How to make money in real estate off a desperate government

The American housing market has done very little to recover since the bubble popped in 2007 and governments’ growing desperation to prevent mass default has led them to be extremely impatient with homeowners who have any amount of back-taxes. However, in the government’s desperation lies investor opportunities to make big profits by buying up

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2013 will be a “global perfect storm”…better get a life jacket

American economist and New York University professor Nouriel Roubini is infamous for his prophetic foretelling of the housing bubble in 2007 and his current pessimism of Eurozone unity. In a recent interview with Bloomberg, Roubini revealed that he foresees another major collapse to occur in 2013 along with several other grim predictions. ETF Daily

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Why renewable energy won’t take-off for another two decades

Everyone is well aware that renewable energy is the way of the future, however that time may be farther away than we realize. Government subsidies by the Obama administration have wasted money on green energy initiatives that are not yet economically viable. Market Watch reports on how new technology in fracking and natural gas has delayed

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Americans get smarter: Consumer spending down, savings on the rise

One of America’s fundamental economic problems has been overconsumption. Part of the reason for the housing bubble in 2007 was first time home buyers were taking out loans they couldn’t afford. However, in the wake of the collapse and the current economic uncertainty, Americans are now making the smarter decision to spend less

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The biggest obstacle for the Chinese private sector

Many people admire China for all of the capitalist friendly economic reforms they’ve made over the past 30 years, however in many ways, they’re still not doing enough to foster entrepreneurship. Communist China still focuses much of their resources on state-owned entities instead of allowing a competitive private sector. The Associated Press reports on the

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Turmoil in the Eurozone will last 20 more years

Turmoil in Europe is even more evident today as a result of massive debt, austerity measures and desperate bailouts.  Everyone is currently holding their breathe in anticipation of an eventual Eurozone collapse however, some people are more pessimistic than others. Author Wolfgang Münchau for one believes that this Euro crisis will not be resolved for

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Motivational Monday: The advantages of being the underdog

Success in life is almost always built on the lessons learned from past failures. Adversity fuels us to achieve goals we never believed were possible. While some people believe that Davids only defeat Goliaths in fairy-tales, research shows that underdogs beat the odds much more often than we suspect. In an interview with

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The top privacy threat for cell phone users

Personal privacy is a growing issue in today’s wireless world and since there are nearly as many cell phones as there are people, almost everyone faces privacy risks. Ever since the passage of the Patriot Act, law enforcement’s use of cell phone surveillance has skyrocketed. The New York Times reports on this stunning trend of

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UN seeks dismantle America’s second amendment

Since its inception, the Second Amendment was created in order for US citizens to form their own militias against threats to their sovereignty both foreign and domestic. Despite its initial purposes, many people have forgotten its importance and now the UN is seeking to implement international legislation to effectively overrule the constitution. Forbes reports on

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